CFHC – Chiropractic Family Health Centre of Centreville, Virginia.

Chiropractic Family Health Centre offers chiropractic services and alternative treatments for the whole family.

The Chiropractic Family Health Centre is family-owned and has been serving the Northern Virginia community for over two decades! Proper Chiropractic care can help you live a healthier life in all areas. Better health means more joy, more productivity, and less pain! CFHC specializes in treating people for the Correction of Spines, Posture, Forward Head Posture, Personal Injury Cases, Athletic and Dance Related Injury, and Pediatric and Family Care. Find out more about our services or read some of our testimonials from our happy and healthy clients.

We make it easy for you to get the care that you need! We’re open Monday – Friday until 7:30 pm and Saturday mornings! We also have a child play area and plenty of convenient FREE parking! Also, you can make your appointment online using our online appointment system. We make health care easy and convenient for you!Did you know that today’s DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) is well educated? After undergraduate study (like other types of doctors), DC’s receive still another four years of a postgraduate college education! Meet your favorite family of chiropractors in Centreville Virginia – We’ve been practicing for over two decades, and our education continues.

What Can you Expect at our Chiropractic Family Health Centre?

Palmercare Chiropractor Centreville, VA

Everyone at CFHC believes in the team approach, and YOU are an integral member of the team. Beginning with your first appointment, we will listen as you describe your condition, express your concerns and ask any questions. We will answer these questions and based on your needs; we may want to use some diagnostic imaging (x-ray) of your spine.

Why would we insist on an x-ray? This is a sure method for us to assist in your diagnosis and determine whether or not we can help you. (A note about our x-ray equipment: it is up-to-date, high-speed, hospital quality.).

We will ask that you attend a brief Monday or Thursday night, whichever is more convenient for you, Doctor’s Report review session, after which one of the doctors will review your x-rays with you. Your treatment recommendations will be discussed. This includes regularly scheduled appointments. Once you have had a series of adjustments, we will recommend a maintenance plan. Important: If at any point during your treatment you have any questions or have concerns about how well you are progressing, please give us a call at 703-222-3737 or contact us to send an email. Our assistants are trained to answer your questions, and if you would prefer to speak to one of us personally, please leave us your name and number. We will call you as soon as possible. We do not charge for telephone consultations.

The three stages of Chiropractic Care?

This is where most patients start. If pain or other obvious symptom has prompted you to seek Chiropractic Care, you are most interested in FEELING BETTER. Treatment visits are usually frequent to reduce or eliminate symptoms.

This is a period where you can stabilize your spine and promote more complete healing. This stage usually begins when your most obvious symptoms have subsided. Even though you are usually feeling better, muscle and other soft tissue damage often remain. Please, do not get impatient with your healing process and let up on the treatment plan your doctor has prescribed. Exercises are often recommended at this time.

After optimum spinal function is reached (which can be shown in x-rays), only regular check-ups or appointments are prescribed. This is recommended highly (OUR GOAL IN THE OFFICE IS TO HELP YOU GET TO THIS STAGE) to help preserve and maintain your progress! This is a preventive health measure…saving time and money for you.

Doctors Report of Findings (ROF)

This appointment is crucial for you to understand about your care at CFHC. Why? By understanding the principles of Chiropractic, you will more easily accept the treatment plan designed for you to get the optimum benefit of your care. We would be remiss in our care for you if we could not help you understand the importance of your care as we see it. Because we feel so strongly about this, we conduct a chiropractic orientation for new patients every Monday at 7:30 PM.Please bring your spouse or significant other so they too may understand the care that will be given to you. It will be brief… but please allow about one hour to an hour and a half. This is a Chiropractic Family Health Centre. We believe in families and children… but at this time ONLY, we ask that you not bring small children with you… they would become bored.

Meet our Professionals

Dr. Paul Curcio, D.C.

See Full Bio

Dr. Peter McGarry, DC

See Full Bio

Karine Martimbianco, L.Ac

See Full Bio

Dr. Jenny Hagemeier

See Full Bio


If you don’t see a time that works for you. Please call the office to see if they can get you in sooner.

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